About the Publisher
Inter-Varsity Press (IVP) is one of the UK’s leading Evangelical publishers. Previously a publishing wing of Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF), and now under the management of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK), IVP produces respected, Evangelical books for the digital age.
About the Book
All around are people who are struggling: the family worrying about debt, the ex-offender who can't get work, the kids who have nowhere to play after school. We long to share some of the love our Lord has shown to us. And we know he calls us to love our neighbour as ourselves. But how? Where do we start?
David Evans has gathered together stories that will inspire us. Stories of churches who love their neighbours, stories from Tearfund partners around the world: Uganda and South Shields, Cambodia and inner city London. These heart-warming accounts show us how we can work alongside the poor, building on their ideas and offering support rather than dependency, and how we can help with resources, opportunities and changed expectations. And alongside the stories are ideas for action and Bible study, so we can refresh our mission.
David Evans has gathered together stories that will inspire us. Stories of churches who love their neighbours, stories from Tearfund partners around the world: Uganda and South Shields, Cambodia and inner city London. These heart-warming accounts show us how we can work alongside the poor, building on their ideas and offering support rather than dependency, and how we can help with resources, opportunities and changed expectations. And alongside the stories are ideas for action and Bible study, so we can refresh our mission.
Creative Rational
I wanted to create a sense of help and provision at a simple level. The image invites the reader to imagine a person in need restored through rest and food at a simple level. Here it is at its most simple, a seat and food, simple provision. The use of colour is warm and inviting an escape from the darkness of need. once visually interesting and elemental. Sometimes small type speaks just as loudly as large headings, people who are struggling can often feel small and insignificant. In some ways the type style reflects that.